“I'm just a step away
I'm a just a breath away
Losin my faith today
Fallin off the edge today
I am just a man
Not superhuman
I'm not superhuman
Someone save me from the hate
It's just another war
Just another family torn
Falling from my faith today
Just a step from the edge
Just another day in the world we live
I need a Hero to save me now
I need a Hero
Save me now
I need a Hero to save my life
A Hero'll save me
Just in time
I gotta fight today
To live another day
Speakin my mind today
My voice will be heard today
I've gotta make a stand
But I am just a man
I'm not superhuman
My voice will be heard today
It's just another war
Just another family torn
My voice will be heard today
It's just another kill
The countdown begins to destroy ourselves
Who's gonna fight for what's right
Who's gonna help us survive
We're in the fight of our lives
And we're not ready to die
Who's gonna fight for the weak
Who's gonna make 'em believe
I've got a Hero
I've got a Hero
Livin' in me
I'm gonna fight for whats right
Today I'm speaking my mind
And if it kills me tonight
I will be ready to die
A Hero's not afraid to give His life
A Hero's gonna save me just in time”
What awesome lyrics. Skillet (for those of you who don’t know them) are what I would call a mix between heavy metal / hard rock – and they make no bones for their love for Jesus Christ. I invite you to check them out on their website at http://www.skillet.com/
You may be asking what type of an impact does this type of group have on our youth today? Check out what I found on some comments posted on ‘you tube’ :
“i'm not really religious and to be honest i didn't think that it was even possible to reconcile heave metal and christianity haha
but skillet acomplished that i for that i give them props :)
this song is amazing and i like how th its christian and has a good meaning it isn't preaching to me...it isn't shoving the whole religion down my throat, skillet does an amazing job singing rock songs without it all being about sex and drugs “
“im not a particulary religious kinda guy, bit Skillet are awesome...Comatose was an awesome album and after hearing Hero, i have high hopes of an equally if not better album! caaaaaant wait “
This blew me away.
I don’t know about you but I know who my “Hero” is. Join with me in telling others about your “Hero” – Jesus Christ !
“I need a Hero to save me now
I need a Hero
Save me now
I need a Hero to save my life
A Hero'll save me
Just in time”