Everyone has their own take on why the Canadiens have forced a game seven with the Pittsburgh Penguins – all the talking heads on ESPN, those on that poor excuse for a network called Versus, the local writers and radio & TV announcers (Post-Gazette, Trib Review FSNP, Penguins Radio Network) and people like me – an everyday ordinary fan. My knowledge of the game is excellent - I have been following the Penguins since 1972 and have probably been to over 700 NHL games in my life - including alll but two of the 2009 playoffs games, So I ask you to indulge yourself in the following.
Fluery vs Halak. The general consensus that I get is that everyone thinks Halak is better and the Fluery is streaky this series. No I will tell you what the difference is. Defense. Pure and simple. They can make a goalie look super human and that’s what the Habs have been doing. No question, Fluery may have had a bad game but I’ll lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of the Penguins defense. They rose to the occasion in Game 5 in Pittsburgh – where were they last night ? All I will say is this – for three of the Habs goals in game 6 Eaton & Gologoski were on the ice. Defense needs to step up and start blocking shots and delivering punishing hits. Jay McKee needs to come in. Oh and one more thing – if we get the whistle in game 5 Fluery pitches a second shout out in the same series.
Corsby & Malkin. Much ink has been spilled on why they have been so ineffective this series. It’s pure and simple. The Habs have literally been all over both of them – especially Sid with numerous high sticks, trips, cross checks and interference calls going by the wayside. His complaints have fallen on deaf ears and that leads me to my next point. Oh it was great to see Sid score last night as well ! And don't forget both of them have played very well defesively.
Inconsistent officiating. Oh how the announcers don’t want to broach this subject. But face it – if the game was called consistently from game one forward, the Habs would be lining up their tee times right now. For example in game 5 (which I attended) early on the refs were super slow in blowing the whistle. If the puck is out of sight, the refs is to blow his whistle – that’s not my take that’s in the NHL rulebook. Because of that, it allowed them to score a late goal in game 5. Last night extremely quick whistles – if not we get another goal. So many missed calls – high sticks, cross checks, trips, interference (yes I’m saying this for both sides) but I’m really incensed at how the Habs have done everything in the book to stop Crosby & Malkin – most of them were ‘non calls’ from the refs. And the call with a little over 2 minutes left in game 5 on Dupis – he barely touches the Habs player and gets called. Again one word – consistency.
Suban – Everyone is raving at what a great talent he is going to be. Face it folks. He is being schooled on how to be a cheap shot artist and get away with it. Look what he did to Jordan Staal amd almost did to Matt Cooke. I watched him in particular the past two games and he looks for chances to give some of those shots when the refs are turned the other way. Play hockey right Suban and you will go a lot farther.
Net presence. The Habs have been doing a great job of this – a little too good in my opinion. I’ve watched several times when their players are behind Halak and touch the puck in the paint or “accidently” dislodge the net. Give me a break.
Game 7 – If we come out and play like we did in game 5 we win. Period. In spite of the inconsistent refs, In spite of Suban and his cheap shots. Folks we had at least four shots hit metal last night. We get two of those in and…well you know the rest !
In closing I have one thing to say from one of the greatest every to lace up skate to all who are proud to call themselves Pittsburgh Penguins players, fans, and coaches:
“See you at center ice”