After the test results came back the doctor smoke with me. Under his recommendation and wanting what is best for mom, with a heavy heart I have made the hardest yet easiest decision of my life and asked to have her placed in hospice.
We arrived at hospice tonight just as they were bringing mom from the hospital. It is truly a beautiful facility and we had a good talk with her nurse there. We know that she will be in good hands. The nurse indicated it could be a week or weeks. We talked to Will Horosz, Victoria Horosz, and Peter Horosz and easily made the decision to fly them down this weekend to see their grandmother - I was blessed to have money in savings to cover the cost of last minute tickets over a holiday weekend - thank you Jesus ! We told mom tonight about the kids coming down and for her to hang in there. Pray for safe travels for Will, Victoria, and Peter and that they get to spend some good time with their grandmother.
This past year mom got to know this most beautiful woman in the world whom I married. She can head into glory seeing Jesus, dad, and all our family knowing that I am in the best earthly hands possibly - my beloved Valerie Geis Horosz.
At this most difficult time I truly do not know what I would do without Jesus Christ in my life. He is my solid rock. Jesus has also blessed me with the greatest support this side of heaven my beautiful Val and my awesome children Will, Victoria, and Peter.
We cannot tell you how much your cards, comments, love, thoughts, prayers, support, and encouragement mean us at this time - God Bless you all !