God laid something on my heart that I want to share with everyone today.
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:36-40 (New International Version)
I am sure you remember the old saying “Keep It Simple Stupid.” ? Well I have put a new “twist” on it and have changed it to “Keep It Simple Servant”. What made me think of this is the attitude that we as humans carry wanting to be perfect without any mistakes – and we all know there was only one who was perfect – Jesus Christ. I think of my dear father who I loved without question – but one thing that drove all of us ‘nuts’ at times was anything he did was always perfect. Artwork such as pottery, drawings, crafts, Christmas decorations (I could write a whole article on how dad used to put on icicles one at a time lol!) , pumpkins at Halloween, and paintings. Cooking and baking – Will, Victoria, and Peter still talk about his lasagna to this day, his cherry delight, his mushroom soup, Hungarian chicken, apricot rolls – on and on. Cleaning and painting – the floors were spotless, almost never any messes, and he was meticulous when he painted with masking and edging – even outside 30 feet off the ground painting the trim over the garage ! Gardening – we always had the best tomatoes season in and season out and some of the most beautiful flowers you would ever want to see.
You could not help but admire his work – dad truly had a gift from God and he lives on in his art work which we are all truly grateful to God for.
I like to think that I or my children don’t have any of those habits but you know the gene pool thing here – I would say though there is a twist for me especially in the past two years. I have experienced pain like never before with the end of my marriage, loss of friends, the loss of the best father a son could ever ask for, the loss of a job after 14 years, and a couple close relationship losses. God has taken me through all of this pain to say that he loves me, cares for me, and has a future for me with a hope.
I don’t ‘drive myself nuts’ over things that do not matter, or when situations or circumstances are out of my control, or setting myself up for failure with setting the bar too high that even an Olympic athlete couldn’t make it over. I do indeed listen to the words of Jesus and how he made it so simple. The teachers were questioning him over the law and Jesus boiled it down to this ‘'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ ‘ and ‘'Love your neighbor as yourself.'’ This is why Jesus stated ‘And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven’ Matthew 18:3.
It really is that simple.
So “Keep It Simple Servant”.
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